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Incredible art. amazing work

Thank you! Love your work too!

hey i'm trying to play and there seems to be some kind of bug? the B button never works to escape. I tried installing on itch app and I tried in my browser and it was the same in both. B works as a cancel button in menus but in rooms I can only ever attack and never escape, so there's no way for me to progress because there's no way to return to town.

“Leave” means not searching the room, which gives a much lower % chance of enemies but also of items. As for returning to town the “map” item will transport you right back to town regardless of how deep in the dungeon you are. Hope that helps!

omg...haha thanks i did not understand that :)


really love the style and mechanics but, unless i'm missing something else too, I don't understand at all how you're supposed to progress? I've played 30 minutes and I've only had enough gold to just keep buying maps so that I don't die. I managed to beat the first boss out of pure luck on like my 10th try but I didn't even get any gold from that? I think if gold generation was just higher, like maybe twice as much gold per fight, it would fix the balancing of the game. Everything else though is really great.

interesting. I’m sorry to hear you had a pretty rough path so far. Pretty much everything is procedurally generated so sometimes you may run into a rough series of results. I can double check the % of drops but you should definitely be finding food, bandages, and potions as you go through the dungeons. Also sometimes leaving to decrease encounter chances helps. I can definitely have some enemies drop a bit more gold in future releases


no worries! I tried it several times, maybe my luck is just awful haha. I can try it again but I never found a potion, never had enough gold to buy one or anything else, just kinda stuck in a loop of getting enough gold to buy a map and using it to go back to town and buying a map again.

if you want a hint to make everything super easy at the beginning you can select something that may help instead of a start

The maps are a waste of money. As long as you have cleared the boss of one dungeon, you can farm that for gold. Don't buy anything, just go through and gather enough bandages and food to survive. Do it often enough and you will accumulate wealth, maybe 4-6 gold per run. Only save very seldomly, as it is also very expensive.

I have never seen a potion drop either.

Does the apple work? I keep dying on the final boss, and it doesn't seem to save me.

Also, for some reason I can't seem to drink the potions there. Is that intentional?

In this version the relics are collectibles. They were getting a bit too abstract so I made it a completionist target. As for the potions I have to look into that. They should definitely work

It is only the very final battle that gives me the issue. With all other bosses it is fine.

This was so beautifully rendered. I really love the way you thought outside the box by creating a game entirely driven by decision screens, including the combat. It makes for a more visually appealing game than some concepts that can be done in GB studio.

Very impressed that this much unique artwork could work in the game as well, as I understand there's a 4MB limit on data and assets.

thank you so much for the kind words! Yeah memory limitation was a huge struggle. This version is 2.1MB but there’s one where I did go over the 4MB limit. Working on maybe one day that version being the Traumatarium DX perhaps haha

Am I right that once you get to the Evil Spirit, you either beat it or die, and that's where the game ends for this version?

without spoiling it yeah once you defeat the final monster in the Traumatarium it’s the end of the game. It allows you to go back even afterwards though to any of the previous dungeons

Hello this is probably a very stupid question but what do I need to play this game? I recently purchased it but I cannot open it on my PC. Thank you in advance


You can play it in browser on almost any device. If you download the .gb file you will need an emulator of some sort that supports game boy ROMs

Thank you for the quick answer


Cool project. Love the style. 

Fun detail I loved: how the end of the enemy health bar is always empty a little quicker than it seems, giving a sense of a powerful finishing blow that will more than once save you.

Also, little question: I found a golden apple, but not sure what that did. Might it just have filled my hunger bar or something?


in this current version, it helps prevent the first death blow you’d receive in a dungeon. Each relic grants a small, and sometimes not so small, bonus

oh, awesome. I guess there's no way of knowing if you have relics on you?

Also, I found a little bug. If you have too many of an item (more than 9), it displays as 0. You can still use them just fine though.


I believe in this version select brings up the gold and relic menu. Shift on a keyboard. And good catch! Will address that!

Ah I see, just noticed it in the manual. In-browser, shift doesn't work. And I haven't tried running the pocket or gb files yet.

Deleted 72 days ago

thank you for the kind words! Def a balancing act of trying to not overdo it and keep it a nice casual experience. The full release will have some extra, fun elements added though

Amazing! ❤️


thank you! Excited to share the full game hopefully soon!

I had a p good first run and made it to the boss who wiped me bc I was greedy with my bandages! I like the callback to the simplicity of the gameboy, the music and pixel art work well in tandem. 

I would agree with the other comments that trinkets and equipment would take Traumatarium to the next level. I can't wait to see any updates to this game!

thank you for the kind words and playing! Glad you enjoyed the game! 

Was pleasantly surprised by how original the game is! It's a unique experience and that's awesome. The art is incredible, just wish the combat was a little more deep, but that's just a nitpick.



Thank you for the kind words! Trying my best to balance everything, and my one limitation is programming the battle system so trying to make it as good as I can while keeping focus hopefully on the exploration bits :)

Fantastic game. Reminds me of the Fighting Fantasy gamebooks I used to play decades ago. I really like it. 

love the fighting fantasy books! Definitely an inspiration 

I love the idea of minimalism in this game, I wish there was a lil more the combat with maybe sudden clues and suggestions when "NOT to attack" than making it a button masher but that is just my suggestion.

IF anything I would suggest to be added these are my ideas.
- perhaps some trinkets or equipment would be nice 
- more interactive combat perhaps, where you need to time your attack and block in a form of a small minigame perhaps.

Thank you and again love this games idea to keep it simple and small but some small things too could be added

thanks for the kind words and the feedback! I get what you mean about the combat, issue is just the limitations in the game engine and my own programming experience haha. As far as relics, there will be more in the final game, and each gives you some new tools for surviving the dungeons!

Of course I fully understand nwn

Thank you for considering my idea and I wish you the best on the game development. Thank you

always appreciate feedback! Just want to create an enjoyable experience for the players :)

(1 edit) (+2)

Absolutely brilliant experience, can't wait to see where this project goes from here! Good luck and be victorious!

thank you so much! Working hard to try and get this completed and ready to play as soon as I can :)

Really good game:)

thank you, glad you enjoyed it!

Игра просто супер

thanks, glad you liked it!

This is a brilliant system to quickly dish out your gorgeous artwork and get some roguelike replay value. Love what you did with the engine <3


thank you, glad you enjoyed it! Def tried to find some interesting workarounds in gb studio

I almost died in the final room in the faceless lair. #^#

glad you made it out safe!

 it was just a new concept to me 

Made a new video


Nice! Stoked to check it out! Thank you!

Hope you enjoy the video and looking forward to the coming soon areas


Love all your stuff, I’m a big fan of the channel!


We never really know if anybody likes our videos so good to hear your a fan. Also we've been your fans since we first played chapter 1 of Neighbor way back and always looking forward to your next game or even updates.


These aesthetics are what pixel-art indie games dream to be. Well done!  Drawing some huge inspiration from this. 

thanks so much for the kind words, glad you enjoyed the game!

Nice work. The art is great.


thank you!

why can't we claim the game?

What do you mean?


Love the art style ! Amazing, only thing is the "hp" bug that makes you basically immortal, except that, it's perfect, keep going ! 

it’s on the bug fixing list so once the new version drops that will hopefully be fixed


Really cool little game, the exploration is really nice and the art is gorgeous, I was left eager to play more at the end! Would love to see a longer version!


working on a longer version so keep your eyes peeled! Thank you for playing and the kind words!

This is a nice one! Love the graphics. Congrats!

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!

How do I get this to work on android? Is that at all possible? It will play in browser but won't open after download.

Fantastic game though. Been looking for something like it for ages.


I don’t own an android device so not sure. I heard there area number of emulator apps that would work with the .gb file as long as they can emulate the original game boy

(1 edit)

This is great! I love 8 bit games and this is what it is. The music is what I like to! I'll be hoping what come's next, but there's a bug. Like if you get sick from the statue and you are fighting someone then you won't get damage from that thing, I'm not saying you fix it cuz it's op but you can fix it if you want. But this is a amazing game. this game is my kind.

thank you for pointing that out, I’ll have to look into that bug! Thank you for playing, glad you enjoyed the game!

Visually it's amazing, the enemies look very appealing and I was amazed by the scenery. I'll be happy to hear from your expansion in the future! And honestly the music is already very good but a metal soundtrack is compelling.

thank you for the kind words! Yeah given the over the top nature some metalocalypse inspired music wouldn’t be out of place haha

Dethklok?? Even better, dude!

Loved this! Simple but so good, can't wait to see more!


Glad you enjoyed it!!

PLEASE expand this project i loved it :)

In the works, more content is coming! and thank you for the kind words!

Great to hear! ill donate if i can

not necessary but always appreciated, just glad to see people enjoy the game :)

Great artwork and simple, yet good, roguelike game!

Thank you, hoping to expand it to a larger adventure in the future

Great art and great game. 

Awesome!! Thank you so much for playing!!

Yo this shit rules, literally perfect. Love to see stuff that makes me want to push my own design, in the TTRPG space

thank you so much. It’s incredibly scary to put your work out there, I almost never released anything, but you’ll be surprised by how many will enjoy it so go for it!

i loved this game design.

thank you! Glad you enjoyed it!

Hey, I think you have an artist to add to your credits. The "cover" of the game, with the skeleton on the spikes, was done by Dean Spencer.


Yep it is, from drivetheurpg

I can't wait! I've played your previous games on original hardware and they are a delight. Ooooh boy


awesome, hope you enjoy this one too!!

I found a glitch, if you attack then go to items before the enemy attacks, then come back, you won't get attacked

but cool game still :D

thanks for the heads up, def have to fix that!

Made a video


you rock!!

Thank you and looking forward to your next game or the expansion your planning to add to this game

Great game, + my collection

thank you!

(1 edit) (+1)

Art is very similar to the work of Frank Frazetta. Was that your inspiration?

definitely an inspiration love the over the top barbarian aesthetic

love it

sweet! Can’t wait to check it out!

It's great game,I really had fun playing it .

I went to this party the day I downloaded it to my phone and I handed it over to everyone to complete it, very cool game thank you

That’s so freaking awesome! Thank you!

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